2015 18 Inch Journey is Underway

Written by Allie Sampson
Photographed by JD Gravitt and Sydnee Mela


    Last spring, our community took a step of faith and invited the world to partner with us in our dream for discipleship. At the beginning of April, we launched our 18 Inch Journey Housing Campaign, where we invited you to help us raise the funds we needed to build new cabins to host our next group of 18 Inch Journey students. Since then, we have been blown away by the generosity of the Father through your support. We have received contributions from over 700 generous donors, who have given a collective total of $132,500! That’s an average donation of $190! How incredible! But the donations are only the beginning. As the 18 Inch Journey started last week, we felt incredible joy in knowing that we are standing in the middle of your support, and it is through that generosity that lives are being changed. 

    On September 14th, we welcomed 32 new students onto the land of A Place for the Heart. As a community we could hardly contain our excitement. We typically host the 18 Inch Journey in the summer, but this year is our first time hosting the school in the autumn. On that Monday, the air started to cool and we felt the transition of the season. It was as though the Father was singing back through the air that the time was right, and we were giddy with anticipation. These 32 students have come from far away lands and from neighboring counties. Between them, there are 6 countries and 14 states represented here in the woods of Sophia, North Carolina. Though they come from different regions and have different stories, one thing remains the same: they have all come for Jesus, and He is meeting their hearts in incredible ways. 

    As we look forward to the 50 days ahead, we are confident that the Father is doing a brilliant work. Already hearts are being healed and sons and daughters are waking up to their identity as the Beloved of Jesus Christ. Our Father is faithful to finish what He has started, and the beginning has already been so sweet. To everyone who contributed toward the housing campaign, made a donation at a worship night, or supported us monthly, thank you! We can confidently say that you truly are changing the world one bunk at a time. We invite all of you to continue praying and dreaming with us in this exciting season! We cannot wait to share with you the stories of what the Father has done. 


Jesus Week // Adam Cox


18 Inch Journey Retreat: Testimonies