Papa Ken Time

Written by Allie Sampson
Photographed by Sydnee Mela

As a staff, one of our favorite elements of the 18 Inch Journey is Papa Ken Time. Papa Ken is Jonathan’s dad and the founding father of this land. He and his wife, Linda, have been pouring into the 18 Inch Journey since it started, and once a week each small group has breakfast with Ken as they discuss life, scripture and what the Father is teaching them.  During this time, the students have the rare opportunity to sit down with a father in the faith and hear his heart and ask him questions. Often times, Ken will share something that he felt the Lord share with him in his own quiet time or will share from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. It is Ken’s heart that each of these students would fall in love with the Word of God and would begin to understand what it means to work out their salvation with the Lord. 

In addition to these weekly sessions with Ken, he and Linda invite each small group up to their house for a Sunday Lunch during the school.  At these lunches, the students get to hear family stories and the history of A Place for the Heart. 

We are a community who is exceedingly grateful for mothers and fathers in the faith.  As a group of young adults, we recognize our need for those who have gone before us and can speak truth and wisdom into our lives. It is for that reason that we believe Papa Ken Time is one of the greatest gifts the students receive during the 18 Inch Journey. We are so grateful for Ken and Linda and their investment in our lives and for all that they are doing to shout the acts of God back over our generation. For more about Ken and Linda and A Place for the Heart, visit


Heart Transformation


Jesus Week // Adam Cox