From One Generation to the Next
On my 19th birthday my Dad gave me a big black leather Thompson chain reference Bible. I suppose that’s not the most popular gift for a 19 year old boy, but for me it was a treasure beyond words. Tucked inside the bible was a handwritten prophetic word from my Dad that I still have today. The word was that our relationship was going to be like that of Solomon and David's. If you remember, David dreamed of building a house for God, but his dream was made into reality through his son Solomon. The giants that David slew, the wars that he fought, and the life that he lived before God, became the bridge for this son to walk upon into his destiny. The floor that Solomon began with was the ceiling of the glorious life that David lived. Sixteen years later, that prophetic word has come to pass in extraordinary ways here at "A place for the Heart."
In 1986 my parents took a radical step of faith to buy 52 acres of land to build "A Place for the Heart". I was only 8 years old when the provision miraculously came in. I can still remember the rush of faith and excitement the day we purchased the land. My Dad has dreamed so many dreams over this land and he has given his life to prepare a place for those dreams to become a reality. In 2000 my wife Melissa and I joined them. We have been able to walk across the bridges he has built and do things we could have never done on our own. In our first year here, Melissa and I launched our first summer camp for high school students. Out of the summer camps came a discipleship school for college students. This year we will be hosting our seventh school called the "18 Inch Journey." We have had students from over a dozen nations come through these gates and have their lives forever changed. One of the highlights of these schools is being able to lead them with my Dad. It has been incredible to watch my Father become a spiritual Father to the students and impart his legacy to the next generation. We are truly living out John 4:36 "The sower and the reaper will rejoice together."
As we approach the seventh year of our school we have completely out-grown our facilities. This summer we will have nearly 70 staff and students as a part of our school. Right now, we only have two 16-person bunkhouses for students and we need more space. Our vision is to build a new cottage before our next school in June 2014. This will provide for another 32 bunks for students. We believe that one bunk can change the world. We are looking for those who would like to partner with us in this dream. The cottage costs $250,000 and our dream is raise this money before the school starts.
From Papa Ken's heart"
I love my boys language: "One bunk can change the world." But more than his language, I love his heart. When I read what he wrote I felt like I wrote it. That's because we both are in sync with God's heart. Knowing that reality gives me the boldness to ask for funds. In the same way David asked the people when they built Solomon's temple, because it's not for me, but for the generation ahead of me. At 69 years of age I will not see the fullness of fruit that God has in mind for this place. Yet, my vision lies beyond my grave. I'm asking you not to just support another ministry that's holding out hands, asking for alms. NO. Rather, I am asking that you plant something into the Kingdom leaders that will go beyond your own grave, that will continue to expand for generations to come.
You can also send a check for a tax deductible donation to
A Place for the Heart
4228 Beckerdite Rd.
Sophia, NC 27350
Sophia, NC 27350